Saturday, 16 January 2016

New Year, New You!

It's crazy that we have all survived another year and we are heading towards a new adventure. I feel that a new year is the best time to reflect on whats recently happened and look to where you want to be.

For myself, 2016 is going to be a crazy and scary year! I'm a senior in High school, I'm applying to University (college) and are going to start working full time in Summer. That's crazy! For once in my life my path is not planned out for me, I have to go a separate way to my friends and I have to consider my family and partner's decisions.

So as my life is going through a period of time where my situation is changing dramatically, I have not made to many New Years Resolutions. I find setting goals I can not keep is quite mental and emotionally draining, as I stress over not 'perfecting myself'.  When I've realised I cannot be perfect and that's ok, I have got to a place in my life where I have put my worth in God. So my New Years Resolutions are quite simple but achievable, Get grades I'm proud of, be more giving with my time and money, and deepen relationships with my friends and boyfriend.

When I was thinking to myself and making a plan of how I am going to achieve these goals I have set, I thought I would post about way you can achieve the FIVE most common New Years resolutions that people break.

The most important tip for all of the five resolutions is to PLAN!! Planning is a big part of achieving your goal because it gives you a road map of how you personally want to achieve your goal, not how other people might.
Making a plan also keeps you accountable, because if you get lost throughout the year you can turn to your plan and pick up where you left off.

Most common New Years resolutions people break:
1. loosing weight
2. Quit smoking
3. Eat healthier
4. Get out of debt
5. Be less stressed

When I look at these resolutions I see some pretty be goals to suddenly try to do! When choosing your New Years resolutions it should be a step in the right direction not the end goal! Each year we should try develop our self into a better person not change dramatically over night. So for each resolution I am going to suggest a more achievable option and some tips to achieve it!

No wonder this is the most common resolution not accomplished because it is looking at the subject all wrong! Your goal shouldn't be to loose weight it should be more on the path of eating a nutrient based diet and regular exercise. With aiming for this goal your body will naturally adjust and will start to drop the pounds but when your body is ready. But also don't not go to dinners or parties because you cant go off this healthy eating, thats not right still live your normal life. Treat yourself every now and then and don't be afraid to eat something sweet or has a higher amount of sugar, all in moderation.

Now this resolution is a lot harder than all the others as smoking can be a serious addiction. But that also doesn't mean that you can't take a step forward, closer to your goal. You can try cigarettes that have no/less nicotine, this will help you over come the addictiveness of the cigarettes. But overall I feel this one is a goal that you need to build up a will power towards them and find a friend that will encourage you to say no a little more often.

Eat Healthier!
I feel this is a hard goal at the start but after a month or two you get used to not eating the junk food you used to. I feel that you should do seperate eliminations from your diet each week. So one week you might eliminate chocolate (I know this is hard but think of your body rewarding you when you eat a piece of fruit instead), then the next week eliminate chips. So as you increase in your journey you end up eating more healthy. Another tip I will suggest is not even buying the junk food you know you have no will power with, therefore when your in the mood for some chocolate you can't have any as there is none in the pantry. Saying this you can still have days where you go to a coffee shop with a girl friend and have a chocolate slice, just all in moderation.

This resolution is sometimes a really hard one to achieve but you can definitely reduce the debt! I feel speaking to an accountant and budgeting your money so there is a sum of money that gets saved each month stays continuous.  I feel looking up budget ideas on the internet and especially Pinterest is a great place to start!

This is a very important resolution I think as stress can be quite damaging to your body and health. For people who have panic attacks and feel stress quite easily I recommend that you talk to a professional and even a breathing specialist. I saw a specialist early last year and it has helped heaps with dealing with my panic attacks. A more simple response to dealing with stress is having time to your self! Have a pamper night, have a night where you binge watch your favourite series, just something that you love and does not require too much thought and attention. Having time to relax allows your mind to recharge and look at the stress in your life at a different angle!

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